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Text File | 1998-03-10 | 80.6 KB | 2,154 lines |
- *****************************************************************************
- ** Case 2.4 - Filename Changer - by Erik Spåre (Parsec/Phuture 303) 980304 **
- ** Filematching routines by Anders Vedmar (Axehandle/PC303) **
- *****************************************************************************
- A good night.
- A good night for nothing, indeed.
- Tonight nothing will happen, here I can code alone, no one
- will disturb me.
- Here I can code in peace and await my own dear death.
- Here I can sit and think of the world, as if I was a part of
- it, as if I meant something to somebody else.
- As if there was a meaning with this short and boring life.
- (Originally in Swedish by Gunnar Lundkvist. Slightly modified.)
- One day, when I was removing all uppercases (by hand) from a
- few hundred modules on my harddrive, I thought to myself
- (constantly): "Why haven't someone made a utility for this?"
- I can't be the only person to dislike long lists of filenames,
- some uppercase, some lowercase, and some a little of both.
- I decided to do the world a favour, I started to code on
- Case...
- Compare these two lists...
- MOD.OCEAN_LOADER_FIXED mod.ocean_loader_fixed
- Mod.Green beret mod.green_beret
- mod.CRYSTAL HAMMER mod.crystal_hammer
- DOC1 mod.doc1
- Hunters_moon mod.hunters_moon
- MOD.SleepWalk mod.sleepwalk
- MOD.(((nebulos))) mod.nebulos
- mod.CREAM OF THE EARTH mod.cream_of_the_earth
- MOD.telephone!!! mod.telephone
- If you prefer the left one, or don't care, then this is not a
- utility for you. (Maybe you are one of those who chat with
- capital letters...) You must be a little of a perfectionist,
- or a design-freak, to understand why the left list is so
- *revaulting*
- In this case I used the following options to produce the right
- list:
- Case -l -t -k -apmod modules:old/#?
- -l to make all chars lowercase, -t to transform the spaces to
- underscores, -k to keep only the letters and numbers (thus
- removing '(' and '!') and -apmod to Add the Prefix mod (if it
- isn't there already).
- If you can see my point, but don't like the right list either,
- then don't worry -- there is probably one or more options that
- is more suitable to your taste...
- OS2.04 or above (because of the filematching routines).
- CASE IS...
- 100 % assembler
- Freeware
- "This should be in every man's c-directory."
- / Axehandle.
- The options you specify must all start with the minus sign.
- If there is an argument given after the option there must be
- NO spaces between them. If there's several strings that can
- be given, use comma to separate them. Still no spaces.
- Everything that is written after the last -option and before
- the optional keywords is assumed to be the filenames/
- filepatterns.
- If you don't write a file specification, #? will be used.
- Recognized as lowercase letters (thus possible to uppercase):
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüý
- Recognized as uppercase letters (and possible to lowercase):
- And just recognized as a letter (not possible to lowercase):
- ß
- Here are all the options. They are sorted in four categories.
- They will be explained in detail later.
- The caseing options
- -l All Lowercase
- -u All Uppercase
- -c Change cases
- -w Each new Word uppercase
- -f First letter uppercase
- -i Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing
- -I Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing
- The extention operations
- -a Add specified prefix/suffix/extention
- -r Remove [specified] prefix/suffix/extention
- -C Change [given] pref/suff/ext to specified
- -s Swap prefix and/or suffix
- -E Ignore default extensions [only accept specified]
- -e Only accept default extentions [and specified]
- -L Set new prefix and/or suffix maxlength
- -g Give priority to prefix or suffix
- The string manipulation operations
- -t Transform spaces to underscores
- -T Transform underscores to spaces
- -d Delete all the spaces [or only specified]
- -D Delete specified strings
- -C Change string 1 to string 2
- -k Keep letters, digits, some more [and specified]
- -K Keep A-Z, digits, some more [and specified]
- -m Mutilate chars with ASCI values exceeding 128 to 45-127
- -a Add head/tail string to filename
- -r Remove head/tail string from filename
- -v Vomit files to PC-format
- The remaining options
- -D Disable env:caseopts file
- -q Be Quiet (only list errors)
- -n Neglect the directories
- -b Use a buffer when renaming (indirect)
- -B Don't use a buffer when renaming (direct)
- -S Simulate caseing, don't actually rename anything
- -- Stop option parsing
- ALL To recurse into subdirs.
- SHOWINFO To show a list of all recognized extentions
- As a rule, if an option can be either on or off, the negative
- form will be an uppercased letter, and the positive a lowercased.
- If Case is in indirect mode (which it is unless you use the -B
- option) all matching files will be read to a buffer. If it is in
- indirect mode, one matching file at a time will be cased.
- First the -C" option will be called. (Change strings)
- Then the -m option (mutilate).
- At this point, all found extentions will be stripped from the
- filename, if this has not been disabled somehow. Most of the options
- will not be given a chance to operate on the extentions from now on,
- unless, of course, the option is only intended for extentions.
- The -l/u/f/w/c options are called. These may or may not affect
- the extentions, depending on the settings. Note that the extention
- specific variants of these options are not executed now.
- The -d option (delete spaces and/or specified chars)
- The -D option (delete strings).
- Next out is the -k (keep only letters and specified) or -K option
- (keep only a-z and specified); only one of these can be called
- per session, for obvious reasons...
- Now the filetype will be checked: is it a file or a directory?
- If it's a directory, the following options will be skipped...
- The -C<%> option (change extention)
- The -r option (remove extention or head/tail string). Note that
- this means that head/tail strings cannot be removed from
- directory names.
- The -a option (add extention or head/tail string). Again, this
- means that head/tail strings cannot be added to directory names.
- The -s option (swap prefix and/or suffix)
- And finally the extention specific variants of the -l/u/f/w/c
- options are called.
- Now when the extention-specific operations have been performed there's
- only one more operation left to do on both files and directories.
- It's the -v option (vomit files to PC format). Note that most of
- what this option does has already been done, since it turns on a
- bunch of other options. The only thing it does now is to truncate
- the name and/or any recognized extentions.
- Finally all the extentions and head/tail strings are merged into one
- single name. First I copy any found/added prefix, then add a header
- string if that was desired (so no other options have actually a
- chance to affect the header string you specified). Directly after
- this the possibly modified filename, followed by a tailstring (same
- thing with this) and the suffix.
- If the resulting filename differs from the source filename, the file
- is renamed unless it's too long.
- Before Case starts to interprete the commandline, it will try
- to load env:caseopts. If this file is found its contents are
- interpreted just as the argument-line's are. Newlines will be
- converted into spaces.
- Graphics extentions
- qt
- avi, brs, iff, gif, jpg, mpg, raw, png
- anim, ilbm, jpeg
- Music extentions
- xm
- med, mod, mp3, p61, s3m
- symmod
- Archive-related extentions
- gz, pp
- arc, arj, bz2, dms, lha, lzx, tar, xpk, zip, zoo, tgz, lzh
- gzip
- Programming-related extentions
- c, E, i, o, s
- asm, c++, cpp, obj
- rexx
- Text-related extentions
- pi
- bbs, diz, doc, htm, lst, man, nfo, tex, txt
- html, text
- amiga, guide
- readme
- displayme
- Misc extentions
- bin, dat, env, exe
- info
- prefs
- I couldn't think of any more... If you miss one, then
- complain to me and/or add it in the env:caseopts file
- with -e<extention>.
- [] Everything within brackets are optional.
- (h|t) Write either 'h' (for header string) or 't' (for
- tail string).
- <%> Short form for (s|p|e) (or (S|P|E), it doesn't matter), an
- extention specification. Use 's' (suffix), 'p' (prefix) or
- 'e' for both.
- <c> Means a character. For example 'p' or '!'
- <c>.. Means one or more characters, a = 'a' or abc = 'a','b','c'
- <$> Means a string. You usually don't have to enclose a string
- with single or double quotes, but sometimes it's a must.
- If you start it with a double quote, you must end it with
- a double quote. Same thing with single quotes.
- Valid strings: ab (ab), "1,3" (1,3), '# %' (# %),
- "'o'" ('o'), '/"\' (/"\), rab" (rab")
- Invalid strings: "hm' 'bla oof, """ '"'"'
- <$>,.. Means that you must specify one or more strings, separated
- by commas. This is ok: "rab",'oof' and Case would
- interpretate it as the two strings rab and oof.
- <#> Denotes ONE digit, 1-9.
- I call a prefix something that precedes the filename with a dot,
- for instance mod.#?
- I call a suffix something that follows the filename with a dot,
- for instance #?.txt
- When I say extention I mean either a prefix or a suffix.
- **********************************************************************
- ** (l, u, c, w, f, i, I) **
- **********************************************************************
- -l NAME All lowercase
- SYNTAX -l[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS Give an extention specification if you only want
- this operation to affect prefixes and/or suffixes.
- TASK Lowercase all the characters in a filename and/or
- its extentions.
- FUNCTION All the names that match will be lowercased, including
- their prefixes and suffixes. If you don't want the
- extensions to be affected by this operation, use the
- -i option.
- AFFECTS u, w, f, c, I, i
- u (All uppercase) -- Turned off
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- Turned off
- f (First letter uppercase) -- Turned off
- c (Change cases) -- Turned off
- i(*)(Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- turned off.
- Use this in conjunction with the -l option to
- perform the operation on the filename only.
- I(*)(Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- on.
- This is so that the extentions won't be stripped off
- the filename, before the caseing starts (as they
- are when the -w and -f options are executed).
- (*) The -I and -i options are not touched when this mode
- is started as an extention operation only.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -l "mOd.DeT_VAR_en.PP"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "mod.det_var_en.pp"
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -le "mOd.DeT_VAR_en.PP"
- Target ^^^ ^^
- Result "mod.DeT_VAR_en.pp"
- -u NAME All uppercase
- SYNTAX -u[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS Give an extention specification if you only want
- this operation to affect prefixes and/or suffixes.
- TASK Uppercase all the characters in a filename and/or
- its extentions.
- FUNCTION All the names that match will be uppercased, including
- their prefixes and suffixes. If you don't want the
- extensions to be affected by this operation, use the
- -i option.
- AFFECTS u, w, f, c, I, i
- u (All uppercase) -- Turned off
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- Turned off
- f (First letter uppercase) -- Turned off
- c (Change cases) -- Turned off
- i(*)(Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- turned off.
- Use this in conjunction with the -u option to
- perform the operation on the filename only.
- I(*)(Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- on.
- This is so that the extentions won't be stripped off
- the filename, before the caseing starts (As they
- are when the -w and -f options are executed).
- (*) The -I and -i options are not touched when this mode
- is started as an extention operation.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -u "mOd.Ensam_GNU.pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -up "mOd.Ensam_GNU.pp"
- Target ^^^
- Result "MOD.Ensam_GNU.pp"
- -c NAME Change cases
- SYNTAX -c[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS Give an extention specification if you only want
- this operation to affect prefixes and/or suffixes.
- TASK Change cases on the characters in a filename and/or
- its extentions.
- FUNCTION All the names that match will change cases, including
- the prefixes and suffixes. If you don't want the
- extensions to be affected by this operation, use the
- -i option.
- AFFECTS l, u, w, f, I, i
- l (All lowercase) -- Turned off
- u (All uppercase) -- Turned off
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- Turned off
- f (First letter uppercase) -- Turned off
- i(*)(Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- turned off.
- Use this in conjunction with the -c option to
- perform the operation on the filename only.
- I(*)(Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- on.
- This is so that the extentions won't be stripped off
- the filename, before the caseing starts (As they
- are when the -w and -f options are executed).
- (*) The -I and -i options are not touched when this mode
- is started as an extention operation.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -c "mOd.Ensam_GNU.pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "MoD.eNSAM_gnu.PP"
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -ce "mOd.Ensam_GNU.pp"
- Target ^^^ ^^
- Result "MoD.Ensam_GNU.PP"
- -w NAME Each new word uppercase
- SYNTAX -w[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS Give an extention specification if you only want
- this operation to affect prefixes and/or suffixes.
- TASK Uppercase the first letter in the filename's (and/or its
- extentions) every word, lowercase the rest.
- FUNCTION Every matching file will be stripped from its
- extensions, the remaining part will then be cased. The
- first letter in every word will be uppercased, all the
- other lowercased. New words are distinguished by a
- non-letter e.g a space, underscore, digit, questionmark
- etc (Characters not in the "recognized letters" list).
- The extentions are by default not affected.
- AFFECTS l, u, f, c, i, I
- l (All lowercase) -- Turned off
- u (All uppercase) -- Turned off
- f (First letter uppercase) -- Turned off
- c (Change cases) -- Turned off
- i(*)(Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- Turned on.
- This is so that the extentions will be stripped
- from the filename (when they are not ignored they
- remain with it), before the caseing starts. It
- looks (in my opinion) ugly when the extentions
- are treated as a word, and cased...
- I(*)(Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- off.
- The extentions are by default not included in
- the -w casing; if you want them to be, use this
- option.
- (*) The -I and -i options are not touched when this mode
- is started as an extention operation.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -w "mod.lo!in_this222i am.pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "mod.Lo!In_This222I Am.pp"
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -ws "mod.lo!in_this222i am.pP"
- Target ^^
- Result "mod.lo!in_this222i am.Pp"
- -f NAME First letter uppercase
- SYNTAX -f[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS Give an extention specification if you only want
- this operation to affect prefixes and/or suffixes.
- TASK Uppercase the first found letter in the filename (and/or
- its extentions), lowercase the rest.
- FUNCTION Every matching file will be stripped from its
- extensions, the remaning part will then be cased. The
- first letter found will be uppercased, all the other
- lowercased. The extentions are by default not
- affected.
- AFFECTS l, u, w, c, i, I
- l (All lowercase) -- Turned off
- u (All uppercase) -- Turned off
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- Turned off
- c (Change cases) -- Turned off
- i(*)(Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- Turned on.
- This is so that the extentions will be stripped
- from the filename (when they are not ignored they
- remain with it), before the caseing starts. It
- looks (in my opinion) ugly when the extentions
- are treated as a word, and cased...
- I(*)(Don't Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing) -- off.
- The extentions are by default not included in
- the -w casing; if you want them to be, use this
- option.
- (*) The -I and -i options are not touched when this mode
- is started as an extention operation.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -f "mod.lO!In_This222I Am.pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "mod.Lo!in_this222i am.pp"
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -fp "mOd.lO!In_This222I Am.pp"
- Target ^^^
- Result "Mod.lO!In_This222I Am.pp"
- -i NAME Ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing
- SYNTAX -i[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS s Ignore suffixes only.
- p Ignore prefixes only.
- e or -i alone ignores both the suffixes and prefixes.
- TASK To tell the -l/u/c options what to operate on.
- FUNCTION The -i option is _only_ useful in conjunction with the
- -l/u/c options. When you use -i it will force the casing
- operations to operate on only the filename (and one
- extention, if requested). If you don't like the
- default fact that the -l/u/c options case the whole
- filenames, with extentions, use -i.
- AFFECTS l, u, c, I
- l (All lowercase) -- Will cause the -l casing to be
- conducted on only the filename (and possibly one
- extention).
- u (All uppercase) -- As above.
- c (Change cases) -- As above.
- I (Don't ignore suffix and/or prefix) -- Turned off.
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "MOD.into_persona1.PP"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "MOD.into_persona1.pp"
- EXAMPLE 3 Case -is -u "mod.into_persona1.pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "MOD.INTO_PERSONA1.pp"
- -I NAME Don't ignore suffix and/or prefix when caseing
- SYNTAX -I[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS s Don't ignore suffixes.
- p Don't ignore prefixes.
- e or -I alone will make sure that neither suffix nor
- prefix will be ignored.
- TASK To tell the -f/w options what to operate on.
- FUNCTION The -I option is, _only_ useful in conjunction with the -w/f
- options. When you use -I it will force the casing operations to
- operate on the filename, the prefix (-I, -IE or -IP) and/or
- the suffix (-I, -IE or -IS). If you don't like the default
- values of the w/f options, use -I.
- AFFECTS w, f, i
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- The extentions will
- be treated just as the filename, and the caseing
- thus conducted on the whole (or part of the whole,
- depending on the -I setting).
- f (First letter uppercase) -- As above.
- i (Ignore suffix and/or prefix) -- Turned off.
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "Mod.Tears_Of_The_Forest.Pp"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "Mod.tears_of_the_forest.PP"
- Target ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Result "MOD.Tears_Of_The_Forest.Pp"
- **********************************************************************
- ** (a, r, C, s, E, e, L, g) **
- **********************************************************************
- -a NAME Add specified prefix/suffix/extention
- SYNTAX -a<%><$>
- ARGUMENTS p Add prefix
- s Add suffix
- e Add extention
- <$> Directly after the -a<%> (no space) is the name of
- the prefix/suffix/extention to add.
- TASK To add an extention to the filename
- FUNCTION The extention will be added to a name, if it does not
- exist already. If it does exist, but not exactly as
- specified, the extention name will be adjusted. Meaning,
- if you add `mod' and a name contains the prefix `MOD'
- it is renamed to the desired `mod'.
- NOTE The specified extention will be added to the list of
- recognized extentions. If you use this option with -E it
- will not be recognized.
- AFFECTS L (Set new prefix and/or suffix maxlength) -- The
- extention options will change the maximum allowed
- length of an extention _if_ a specified one's
- length exceeds the current maxlength. Remember
- that the -L option is only used when the -e
- option is turned off (which it isn't unless you
- disable it by -E)
- EXAMPLES Case -apmod "mahlzeit" => "mod.mahlzeit"
- Case -apmOd "mod.mahlzeit" => "mOd.mahlzeit"
- Case -apmod "npu.mahlzeit" => "mod.npu.mahlzeit"
- Case -apmod "mod.mahlzeit" => [NO CHANGE]
- Case -aetxt "wonderland" => "txt.wonderland.txt"
- Case -asTxT "wonderland.txt" => "wonderland.TxT"
- Case -aspp "wonderland.txt" => "wonderland.txt.pp"
- Case -astxt "wonderland.txt" => [NO CHANGE]
- -r NAME Remove [specified] prefix/suffix/extention
- SYNTAX -r<%>[<$>]
- ARGUMENTS p Add prefix
- s Add suffix
- e Add extention
- <$> Directly after the -r<%> (no space) you can specify
- the name of the extention to remove.
- TASK To remove an extention from the filename.
- FUNCTION If no extention is specified, all (recognized) extentions
- will be removed. If you want to remove all extentions,
- regardless whether this program recognize them or not
- (like "prc.mymodule"), then you better use the -E
- option. (You may need the -L option as well). If you
- specify an extention, only files containing that extention
- will have it removed (the check is not case-sensitive).
- NOTE If you specify an extention it will be added to the list of
- recognized extentions. If you use this option with -E it
- will not be recognized.
- AFFECTS L (Set new prefix and/or suffix maxlength) -- The
- extention options will change the maximum allowed
- length of an extention _if_ a specified one's
- length exceeds the current maxlength. Remember
- that the -L option is only used when the -e
- option is turned off (which it isn't unless you
- disable it by -E)
- EXAMPLES Case -rpMOD "mod.mahlzeit" => "mahlzeit"
- Case -rpmed "mod.mahlzeit" => [NO CHANGE]
- Case -rp "med.mahlzeit.lzx" => "mahlzeit.lzx"
- Case -re "med.mahlzeit.lzx" => "mahlzeit"
- Case -rsTXT "wonderland.txt" => "wonderland"
- Case -rstxt "wonderland.txt.pp" => [NO CHANGE]
- Case -rs "wonderland.txt.pp" => "wonderland.txt"
- -C NAME Change [given] pref/suff/ext to specified
- SYNTAX -C<%>[<$>,]<$>
- ARGUMENTS p Change only prefixes
- s Change only suffixes
- e Change all extentions
- <$> If only one extention is given, it is assumed to be the
- target. If two are given, the first one is the source.
- TASK To change extentions' names
- FUNCTION If no source is specified: All recognized extentions will be
- changed to the destination.
- If a source is specified: Only the extentions that match the
- source (the first given extention) will be changed to the
- destination.
- NOTE Any specified extentions will be added to the list of
- recognized extentions. If you use this option with -E they
- will not be recognized.
- AFFECTS L (Set new prefix and/or suffix maxlength) -- The
- extention options will change the maximum allowed
- length of an extention _if_ a specified one's
- length exceeds the current maxlength. Remember
- that the -L option is only used when the -e
- option is turned off (which it isn't unless you
- disable it by -E)
- EXAMPLES Case -Cpmed,mod med.hummeln2.pp => mod.hummeln2.pp
- Case -CsPP,mod med.hummeln2.pp => mod.hummeln2.mod
- Case -CpPP,mod med.hummeln2.pp => [NO CHANGE]
- Case -Cemod med.hummeln2.pp => mod.hummeln2.mod
- -s NAME Swap prefix and/or suffix
- SYNTAX -s[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS p Swap prefixes to suffixes.
- s Swap suffixes to prefixes.
- e or -s alone swaps both the suffix and prefix.
- TASK To swap the extentions' positions.
- FUNCTION Unless selected otherwise (with p or s) the recognized
- prefixes will be changed to suffixes and vice versa.
- EXAMPLES Case -s "pp.remix101.lfo.mod" => "mod.remix101.lfo.pp"
- Case -sp "pp.remix101.lfo.mod" => "remix101.lfo.mod.pp"
- Case -ss "pp.remix101.lfo.mod" => "mod.pp.remix101.lfo"
- -E NAME Ignore default extensions [only accept specified]
- SYNTAX -E[<$>,..]
- ARGUMENTS <$> Directly after the -E it is possible to specify
- one or more extentions that will be the _only_
- recognized extentions.
- TASK Change the criteria for extention recognition, forget
- the default extentions.
- FUNCTION If no argument is given then Case will ignore its
- internal list of valid extentions and treat all 1-3
- letter strings (or more if specified) that is
- separated from the filename with "." as extentions.
- If one or more extention is specified after the -E,
- then _only_ those will be recognized.
- AFFECTS -e (Only accept default extentions) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -re "mod.remix101.lfo" => "remix101.lfo"
- Remove extentions. Only mod is recognized as an
- extention, and properly removed.
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -re -E "mod.remix101.lfo" => "remix101"
- Now both mod and lfo are recognized as extentions, and
- removed.
- EXAMPLE 3 Case -re -Elfo "mod.remix101.lfo" => "mod.remix101"
- This tells Case that the only valid extention is lfo,
- and as such it is removed.
- -e NAME Only accept default extentions [and specified]
- SYNTAX -e[<$>,..]
- ARGUMENTS <$> Directly after the -e it is possible to specify
- one or more additional extentions to recognize.
- TASK Change the criteria for extention recognition, always
- recognize the default extentions.
- FUNCTION -e is used by default, so there is no point in
- writing it, unless -E is present in env:caseopts.
- It does not disable previous -e adds.
- All extentions specified after the -e is added to the
- list of recognized extentions. It is possible to
- add extentions with -e both in env:caseopts and the
- argument line.
- AFFECTS -E (Ignore default extensions) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -re "mod.remix101.lfo" => "remix101.lfo"
- Remove extentions. Only mod is recognized as an
- extention, and properly removed.
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -re -eprc,lfo "mod.remix101.lfo" => "remix101"
- Now both mod and lfo are recognized as extentions, and
- removed. The fictive extention prc would also have
- been removed if it had been found.
- EXAMPLE 3 Case -re -elfo "pco.remix101.lfo" => "pco.remix101"
- The suffix lfo is recognized and removed, the alien
- prefix pco is ignored.
- -L NAME Set new prefix and/or suffix maxlength
- SYNTAX -L[<%>]<#>
- ARGUMENTS p Only change the prefix maxlength.
- s Only change the suffix maxlength.
- e or -L<#> alone changes both the suffix & prefix maxlength.
- <#> A number between 1 and 9; the new maxlength.
- TASK Change the criteria for extention recognition (if -E
- is used).
- FUNCTION This is an option that will probably never be used by
- anyone. Nevertheless, this is what it does: First, it
- is _only_ consulted if the -E (ignore default
- extentions) mode is on. If it is, all 1-3 letter
- strings enclosing the filename with "." will be
- treated as extentions. The 3 letter limit (default)
- makes the recognition more safe. However, in some
- cases you may want to change the length, so that, for
- instance, strange 4-letter suffixes (not normally
- recognized by Case) can be removed or whatever. In
- Case 1.0 you needed to use this option if you removed
- specified 4-9 letters extentions, but lo! That is not
- necessary anymore. (The maxlength is now adjusted after
- the longest specified extention. Could that be a
- nuisance sometimes? I don't know, but if so, use
- -L after the extentions).
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -re -E -L4 "this.orthis" => "orthis"
- Remove extentions, ignore default extentions.
- `this' is 4 chars, and is treated as a prefix and
- properly removed.
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -re -E -L2 "mod.raveland.pp" => "mod.raveland"
- As example 1, but now the maximum allowed extention
- length is only 2 letters, so the prefix mod is
- ignored.
- EXAMPLE 3 Case -re -E -Lp6 "parsec.aha.parsec" => "aha.parsec"
- The prefixes are now allowed to be upto 6 letters,
- but not the suffixes, which are left untouched.
- -g NAME Give priority to Prefix or Suffix
- SYNTAX -g(p|s)
- ARGUMENTS p Give priority to the prefixes
- s Give priority to the suffixes
- TASK Tell what extention that has "the last word".
- FUNCTION Sometimes a filename containing only one point (.) may
- nevertheless present two valid extentions. For
- instance a file called mod.txt would confuse Case, a
- little. Luckily it checks what extention that has the
- priority, and gives it authority to do whatever it
- pleases. By default the suffixes has the priority,
- because they are more common than the prefixes.
- However, the priority is changed each time you specify
- a suffix/prefix operation; for instance, if you tell
- Case to remove all prefixes, the priority will be
- given to them. Same with E, L, r, a... They give
- the priority to their own target. If you specify
- several of these, the last written is the last to
- change the priority. This is not the case with -g
- though, no matter where you write it, it will always
- give the priority you command.
- EXAMPLE 1 Case -rp -rs "mod.pp" => "mod"
- The -rs is written last, the priority is given to the
- suffixes.
- EXAMPLE 2 Case -rs -rp "mod.pp" => "pp"
- Now the -rp was written last. Priority to the prefixes.
- EXAMPLE 3 Case -gs -rs -rp "mod.pp" => "mod"
- The -gs overrides the last priority change and the
- priority is given to the suffixes.
- **********************************************************************
- ** (t, T, d, D, C, k, K, m, a, r, v) **
- **********************************************************************
- -t NAME Transform spaces to underscores
- TASK To connect words separated by spaces
- FUNCTION All spaces in the filenames (recognized extentions not
- affected) will be transformed to underscores (_).
- AFFECTS -T (Transform underscores to spaces) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE Case -t "mod.one two three" => "mod.one_two__three"
- -T NAME Transform underscores to spaces
- TASK To replace underscores (_) by spaces.
- FUNCTION All underscores in the filenames (recognized extentions
- not affected) will be transformed to spaces.
- AFFECTS -t (Transform spaces to underscores) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE Case -T "mod.one_two__three" => "mod.one two three"
- -d NAME Delete all the spaces [or only specified]
- SYNTAX -d[<c>..]
- ARGUMENTS <c> If you specify one or more characters, directly after the
- -d (no spaces), only these characters will be deleted.
- TASK To compress several words into one, or strip ugly characters
- from the filenames.
- FUNCTION If you write -d alone, all spaces in the filenames (recognized
- extentions not affected) will be deleted. If you specify one or
- more characters after the -d, _only_ those will be deleted.
- Spaces will in that case not be removed. If you want to delete
- both $ and spaces, you have to write -d -d$.
- NOTE Characters written in one or more previous -r:s will be
- remembered.
- EXAMPLES Case -d "mod.one two three" => "mod.onetwothree"
- Case -d() "mod.(((nebulos)))" => "mod.nebulos"
- -D NAME Delete specified string[s]
- SYNTAX -D<$>,..
- ARGUMENTS <$> The unwanted string or strings. If you specify several
- strings, separate them with commas (no spaces!). If you
- want to include a comma or space, enclose the string with
- single (') or double (") quoutes. If you want to remove
- a string that begins with a single quoute, you must
- enclose the whole string with double quoutes. Likewise, if
- you want to remove a string that begins with a " you must
- enclose the whole string with single quotes.
- TASK To remove ugly/unwanted strings from the filenames.
- FUNCTION The specified string(s) are removed from the filenames.
- The search is not case-sensitive.
- NOTE Strings written in a previous -D will _not_ be
- remembered. In other words, it is not possible to
- "add" more strings to remove.
- EXAMPLE Case -D[lfo] "mod.[LFO]delta_rave" => "mod.delta_rave"
- Case -D"don't ",bla "mod.don't saybla" => "mod.say"
- -C NAME Change string one to string two
- SYNTAX -C"<$>",<$>
- ARGUMENTS "<$>" The first string is the "source", the string you want
- to change. You MUST place the _first_ string within single
- or double quoutes, to separate it from the -C<%><$>[,<$>]
- option.
- <$> The second string is the "destination", what you want the
- first string to be. Does not have to be quoted.
- TASK To change one string into another.
- FUNCTION Before any extentions are stripped from the filename, it will
- be checked for matches of the given source string
- (case-insensitive). If found, the following will happen:
- If the source string is of the same length as the dest string
- and the found string doesn't match the destination string
- exactly (only case insensitive), it is replaced. If the source
- string's length differ from the destinations string's, a
- replacement always takes place. And the caseing goes on...
- NOTE #1 This function does not care about extentions, it will conduct
- it's search on the whole filename.
- NOTE #2 You can only have one string substitution per session. If you
- specify several, only the last will be given a chance.
- EXAMPLES Case -C"don't",do "I don't want to live" => "I do want to live"
- Case -C"bla.med",mod "bla.med.oofrab" => "mod.oofrab"
- -k NAME Keep letters, digits [and specified]
- SYNTAX -k[<c>..]
- ARGUMENTS <c> Additional char -- or chars -- to keep.
- TASK Keep only letters & numbers, thus removing ugly chars.
- FUNCTION This option will strip eccentric characters from your
- filenames. It will only keep letters, numbers, dots,
- underscores, spaces and all the characters you specify
- directly after the -k.
- NOTE All characters written earlier (whether it's on the k
- or K) will _not_ be remembered. In other words, it's not
- possible to "add" more characters to keep.
- AFFECTS -K (Keep A-Z, digits [and specified]) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE Case -k$! "®Ø©! Par$ec-222_ah!" => "Ø! Par$ec222_ah!"
- -K NAME Keep A-Z, digits [and specified]
- SYNTAX -K[<c>..]
- ARGUMENTS <c> Additional char -- or chars -- to keep.
- TASK Keep only A-Z & numbers, thus removing ugly chars.
- FUNCTION This option will strip eccentric characters from your
- filenames. It will only keep the letters A-Z (unlike
- its sister-option -k), numbers, underscores, spaces, dots
- and all the characters you specify directly after the -K.
- NOTE All characters written earlier (whether it's on the k
- or K) will _not_ be remembered. In other words, it's not
- possible to "add" more chars to keep.
- AFFECTS -k (Keep letters, digits [& specified]) -- Turned off.
- EXAMPLE Case -K$! "æ®Ø! Par$ec-222_ah!" => "! Par$ec222_ah!"
- -m NAME Mutilate chars with ASCI value exceeding 128 to 0-127
- TASK Convert phonems and such to their stem-letters
- FUNCTION Since ASCII values of 128-255 are not an international
- standard, filenames containing that may come to look strange
- on another OS. This option will try to "make the best of it",
- so for instance å will become a, Ö => O, é => e etc. All
- non-letters will become a dash (-).
- NOTE #1 -m, -n and -S are currently the _only_ options that turn on
- themselves by inverting the current value (by default
- zero=NOP). This means that if you write -m -m it will be
- turned on and then immediately disabled. This is only useful
- if you have the -m written in the env:caseopts file,
- and then temporarily want to rename some directories.
- NOTE #2 This option is performed on the whole filename, including
- extentions.
- EXAMPLE Case -m "tänd på!" => "tand pa!"
- -a NAME Add head or tail string to filename
- SYNTAX -a(h|t)<$>
- ARGUMENTS h Add a header string
- t Add a tail string
- <$> String to add
- TASK To add a string to start or end of the filename.
- FUNCTION This option is actually very useful -- not only when
- you are adding your handle to a group of files, but
- when you want to lengthen a filename for some (very
- common) reason. I use this a lot. The header is not
- placed before any (recognized) prefix, and the tail
- not after any suffix. The string to insert is not
- inserted if it is already there. This works the same
- way as the prefix/suffix adds in that the check is not
- case-sensitive; if the string match case-insensitive,
- but not case-sensitive, it is not added, but adjusted.
- NOTE You can only add one header, and only one tail per
- session. It is not possible to add tails or headers to
- directories.
- EXAMPLES Case -ah[LFO] "mod.jungle" => "mod.[LFO]jungle"
- Case -ah[lfo] "mod.[LFO]jungle" => "mod.[lfo]jungle"
- Case -ah[lfo] "mod.[lfo]jungle" => [NO CHANGE]
- -r NAME Remove head/tail string from filename
- SYNTAX -r(h|t)<$>
- ARGUMENTS h Remove a header string
- t Remove a tail string
- <$> String to remove
- TASK To remove a string from the beginning or end of the filename.
- FUNCTION This works exactly as the delete string function, except
- that Case will only check the tail or end of the filename
- (with extentions stripped) for matches (case insensitive).
- This function is mostly implemented so that you can "undo" a
- previous add head/tail call.
- NOTE You can only remove one header, and only one tail per
- session. It is not possible to remove tails or headers
- from directories.
- EXAMPLES Case -rh<LFO> "mod.<LFO>jungle" => "mod.jungle"
- Case -rh<lfo> "mod.<LFO>jungle" => "mod.jungle"
- Case -rh<lfo> "bla.<LFO>jungle" => [NO CHANGE]
- (bla is not recognized as a prefix)
- Case -rh<lfo> -E "bla.<LFO>jungle" => "bla.jungle"
- (using the -E option, it is)
- -v NAME Vomit files to PC-format
- SYNTAX -v[<%>]
- ARGUMENTS p Remove the prefixes
- s Remove the suffixes
- e Remove both prefixes and suffixes
- - Only -v keeps the extentions.
- TASK Truncate Amiga-filenames to PC-format, 8+3 letters.
- FUNCTION If you write -vp, the prefixes will be removed, and the
- (recognized) suffixes truncated to 3 letters. The
- filename without extentions will be stripped so that
- only letters and numbers remain, and then truncated
- (if necessary) so that the length does not exceed 8
- bytes. All characters are uppercased.
- NOTE Beware (if you run this twice on the same file/s) of
- truncated extentions, getting suddenly unknown, and
- thus inevitably removed...
- Beware also of the -k option's zealous work... If a
- suffix is not known, then the -k will remove the dot.
- A good idea might be to use the -E option...
- AFFECTS re/k/u/f/c/w/l
- rp (Remove prefix) Turned on if you specify -vp or -ve
- rs (Remove suffix) Turned on if you specify -vs or -ve
- m (Mutilate asci 128+) Turned on. Write -m AFTER the
- -v[<%>] to turn it off again.
- k Turned on with the task to remove _everything_ but
- letters and numbers (so it differs a bit from the
- normal -k option).
- u (All Uppercase) -- Turned on
- l (All lowercase) -- Turned off
- c (Change cases) -- Turned off
- w (Each new word uppercase) -- Turned off
- f (First letter uppercase) -- Turned off
- EXAMPLES Case -v mod.+1_psychedelic!.guide => MOD.1PSYCHED.GUI
- Case -vs mod.+1_psychedelic!.guide => MOD.1PSYCHED
- Case -vp mod.+1_psychedelic!.guide => 1PSYCHED.GUI
- Case -ve mod.+1_psychedelic!.guide => 1PSYCHED
- **********************************************************************
- ** (D, q, n, b, B, S, --, ALL, DISPLAYINFO) **
- **********************************************************************
- -D NAME Disable env:caseopts file
- TASK To ignore the file env:caseopts
- FUNCTION The file env:caseopts will, if you specify this
- (anywhere on the argument line), not be loaded. The -D
- may also be present in the env:caseopts file itself,
- which will then be ignored, even though it has been
- loaded.
- EXAMPLE Env:caseopts = "-l"
- Case -Pmod "ARNESUNE" => "mod.arnesune"
- Case -Pmod -D "ARNESUNE" => "mod.ARNESUNE"
- -q NAME Be Quiet (only list errors)
- TASK To skip the rename listing.
- FUNCTION The Case banner and result line will be displayed as
- usual. Nothing else, unless an error occurs.
- -n NAME Neglect the directories
- TASK To completely ignore all directories.
- FUNCTION The filematching routine will be told to skip all
- directories.
- NOTE -n, -m and -S are currently the _only_ options that turn on
- themselves by inverting the current value (by default
- zero=NOP). This means that if you write -n -n it will be
- turned on and then immediately disabled. This is only useful
- if you have the -n written in the env:caseopts file,
- and then temporarily want to rename some directories.
- -b NAME Use a buffer when renaming (indirect)
- TASK To read in all the matching files before renaming.
- FUNCTION This is on by default, because if it isn't, many operations
- on the ram-disk will fail or even crash (due to a flaw in
- the OS) and this would scare my users into abandoning Case,
- thinking it is clustered with bugs ;)
- If the memory for the buffers, holding all the filenames found
- so far, should run out, use the -B option. You may want to use
- the -B option anyway, so you won't have to experience that
- annoying pause in the beginning, initiated when many files are
- to be renamed... (See notes about the ram-disk for more info).
- AFFECTS -B Turned off.
- -B NAME Don't use a buffer when renaming (direct)
- TASK To rename one file at a time
- FUNCTION This is off by default, because if it wasn't, many operations
- on the ram-disk would fail or even crash (due to a flaw in
- the OS). If you use this switch, you'll reduce memory
- fragmentation and usage (though this only goes for big sessions,
- lowercaseing a whole partiton for instance). Case will ask
- AxeMatch for the next matching file, process it and call AxeMatch
- again, until there are no more files. (See notes about the
- ram-disk for more info).
- AFFECTS -b Turned off.
- -S NAME Simulate caseing, don't rename anything
- TASK To show the user what will happen before it happens.
- FUNCTION Everything will go on as usual, except that no files will
- be renamed. You'll see the results exactly as you'd see if
- you had actually been renaming them. The only exception is
- that all possible errors won't be caught. If Case would
- strip the number from bla1.txt, renaming it to bla.txt, and
- the next file was bla2.txt, it wouldn't be possible to rename
- bla2.txt to bla.txt, since it already existed. When simulating
- caseing this would not be noticed.
- NOTE -S, -m and -n are currently the _only_ options that turn on
- themselves by inverting the current value (by default
- zero=NOP). This means that if you write -S -S it will be
- turned on and then immediately disabled. This is only useful
- if you have the -S written in the env:caseopts file, (as if
- this was some kind of toy!) and then temporarily want to
- actually rename some files...
- -- NAME Stop option parsing
- TASK Treat all following chars as filepatterns or keywords
- FUNCTION If you specify a filepattern that begins with '-' Case would
- interpretate this as an option and produce an error message
- in the best case, and something very bad in the worst case.
- Specifying a '--' after the last option will tell Case that
- everything following the '--' is either a filepattern or a
- keyword (ALL/SHOWINFO).
- EXAMPLE Case -u -ahmed-.txt => Prefixes (and uppercases) all files
- in the current dir with MED-.TXT !
- Case -u -- -ahmed-.txt => -AHMED-.TXT
- SYNTAX ALL (must be placed after all options/filepatterns)
- TASK To recurse into all subdirectories.
- FUNCTION By default Case will only process the file or directory
- that you specify after the options. If you wish to make
- Case recurse into all subdirs (and their subdirs..),
- write ALL after the options (and filepattern if any).
- It might seem stupid to use -options all the time, except
- for this, but I'm so used of using ALL that I made it this
- way.
- SYNTAX SHOWINFO (must be placed after all options/filepatterns)
- TASK To list all recognized extentions
- FUNCTION First all internally known extentions are listed, then the
- environmental (either added in the env:caseopts file or the
- commandline). Case then proceeds as usual.
- **********************************************************************
- ** Similar programs (last updated 971220) **
- ** (Short descriptions, where to get them, my impressions etc) **
- **********************************************************************
- To find out how well my program could compete with other programs I
- took a look at Aminet and found a bunch of renaming utilities...
- NAME FixName V1.20beta
- AUTHOR Mikael Nordlund
- RELEASED 930120
- LOCATION util/cli/FixName120.lha
- SHORT Capitalize first char on filenames in dir[...]
- COMMENTS I hadn't seen this almost 5 year old program before. Very
- impressive! Can recurse into subdirs, have the equivalent
- of Case's -u -l -f and -w. And it even has the option to
- open up a small GUI where you can do exactly the same as in
- shell, plus save a configuration file. But it has no
- pattern-matching, can only ucase/lcase a-z, plus I'd say
- development has ceased :) Freeware.
- NAME Arud Converter v2.2
- AUTHOR Morten Amundsen
- RELEASED 93xxxx - 9510xx
- LOCATION util/misc/arud220.lha
- SIZE 29 KB
- SHORT Rename multiple files w/src (anims etc)
- COMMENTS This program has a nice GUI for renumbering (and copying if
- selected) large amount of files, all sharing the same
- basename. The range can be selected and the basename
- changed. Does not recurse into subdirs. Postcardware,
- asm-source included.
- NAME LookName 2.2
- AUTHOR Philippe Muhlheim
- RELEASED 940908 - 951023.
- LOCATION util/cli/LookName22.lha
- SIZE 10 KB
- SHORT Make filenames lowercase or uppercase and[...]
- COMMENTS This is what I wrote about Lookname in Case2.0's doc:
- Since the last release I have seen some Case-like programs,
- but only one is worth mentioning: LookName v2.2 by Philippe
- Muhlheim. He released his first Case-clone a year before I
- even got the idea. I give lots of thanks to Philippe for
- inspiration and ideas (like the -v option). LookName works
- on all OS, it seems, and has some options that this program
- does not (like the possibility to flummy/deflummy filenames,
- like "cool" = "çøø1" and such). But it gives me the
- impression of being a program to toy with, rather than to
- aide, and it lacks a lot of useful things (v2.2) like the
- remove string function, pattern matching, and the mandatory
- ALL to recurse. Also it may CRASH when encountering the
- ram-bug (see notes about the ram-disk), at least it did for
- me the first time I tried it, not knowing my program
- couldn't handle that either :) Lookname is Freeware.
- NAME CExt V40.2
- AUTHOR Chris De Maeyer
- RELEASED 941016-970201
- LOCATION util/cli/cext402.lha
- SIZE 10 KB
- SHORT Utility to change/delete/renumber filenames
- COMMENTS This program can only handle 1024 files, but that makes
- sense since it does not recurse. It can delete or rename
- suffixes and renumber files. Basename and range can be set.
- Freeware.
- NAME ARen 1.4
- AUTHOR Mendez Marc
- RELEASED 941117
- LOCATION util/sys/Aren14.lha
- SIZE 12 KB
- SHORT Extension of 'Rename', replaces patterns[...]
- COMMENTS A small gui-less tool that seems to do the same thing as
- Case's -C" option, except that it does not recurse. But it
- lets the user specify if the replacing should be
- case-sensitive or not. Does not recurse into subdirs.
- Freeware, c-source included.
- NAME MultiRename v1.0
- AUTHOR Daniel S. Milling Jr.
- RELEASED 941208
- LOCATION util/misc/MRename1.lha
- SIZE 34 KB
- SHORT Rename/renumber lists of files.
- COMMENTS Another renumbering program, with an impressive GUI (judging
- from the size of the program and the doc). The range and
- basename can be set. I haven't seen it though, since it
- crashes on my 060. Shareware.
- NAME AutoRename V1.0
- AUTHOR Francesco Gambino
- RELEASED 950111
- LOCATION util/sys/AutoRen_v10.lha
- SIZE 18 KB
- SHORT AutoRename is a utility to rename a lot[...]
- COMMENTS This program is buggy, and in italian. Judging from the 4
- short examples in the doc, it adds an incremented number
- together with an optional headerstring to all the files that
- match. I believe I have some modules by this guy... they
- are a lot better than his program ;) Freeware, I think.
- NAME RenumSeq.rexx 1.0
- AUTHOR Christoph Mayer
- RELEASED 950114
- LOCATION gfx/edit/RenumSeq.lha
- SHORT This ARexx-script renumbers or renames[...]
- COMMENTS ARexx script to renumber filenames. Very primitive, but I
- guess it does its job. Freeware.
- NAME No Pain Rename 1.0
- AUTHOR Travis Riggs
- RELEASED 9507xx
- LOCATION util/sys/nopainrename.lha
- SIZE 140 KB
- SHORT Batch filename renaming utility
- COMMENTS A simple (yet huge) renumbering program, with an awful GUI.
- Basename and range can be set. Shareware.
- NAME UnderScore 1.0
- AUTHOR Braneloc
- RELEASED 9508xx (Recompiled 970619)
- LOCATION util/cli/underscore.lha
- SIZE 23 KB
- SHORT Removes spaces from filenames
- COMMENTS Hmm... of all the programs I've tried, this is by far the
- most pathetic! It's 35 kb, and all it does (no options, not
- even filepattern!) is the same thing as writing Case -t ALL.
- It does recurse. In fact, it always recurses!! Maybe you
- think I'm a bit harsh on the programmer, but... Get this...
- he wants you to pay him £10 for it!!! The underscore.doc is
- not a doc but a registration form!! I'm apalled...
- NAME UpperName 1.0
- AUTHOR Franck Aniere
- RELEASED 950822
- LOCATION util/batch/UpperName.lha
- SHORT Upper case filenames
- COMMENTS This is the most primitive of the Case-clones I've seen. It
- can only uppercase one file at a time... Freeware.
- NAME LowUp 1.0
- AUTHOR Franck Aniere
- RELEASED 95082x
- LOCATION util/cli/LowUp_Upd.lha
- SIZE 10 KB
- SHORT Upper/Lower case filenames
- COMMENTS This an update of the most primitive of the Case-clones I've
- seen. Apparently, after the author had found out some
- people did not like uppercase only filenames, he changed the
- name from Uppername to LowUp. It can now both uppercase and
- lowercase _one_ filename at a time. He has included a GUI
- version as well though (written by one of the program's fans
- (!)) which uses the reqtools library and is quite nice; but
- it is still as limited. All freeware.
- NAME Npmv 1.0
- AUTHOR Stefan Le Breton
- RELEASED 960122
- LOCATION util/sys/npmv.lha
- SHORT Rename without(!) pattern matching
- COMMENTS All this program does is to rename files whose names
- contains characters used by the dos pattern matching.
- Freeware.
- Phew... so far I've found no program that I've been forced to admit is
- better than Case. Now only one remain to test... The filesize worries
- me, hmm.. 341 kb!? Aha... no need to worry :) Because, it is...
- NAME No Pain Rename 2.0
- AUTHOR Travis Riggs
- LOCATION gfx/misc/rename2u.lha
- SIZE 174 KB
- SHORT Rename multiple files with ease!
- COMMENTS Well, the GUI has improved, A LOT. And there are many new
- features, but it is still only intended for renumbering
- purposes. However, if you want all the new features you
- must pay $10 to the author, as No Pain Rename is still
- shareware. I really hate it when people release their
- programs as shareware, especially cut-down versions. But
- that's just me...
- NAME Ename v2.0
- AUTHOR Rafaî Mantiuk
- RELEASED 960618
- LOCATION util/cli/EName20.lha
- SHORT Rename many files.
- COMMENTS This cli-command is quite powerful when it comes to
- substituting or removing strings from filenames. It can
- also lowercase or uppercase. I didn't find it too easy to
- understand though, and it do also have a simulation option,
- so as to give the user a chance to see what will happen if
- he starts the program... (Actually, after seeing this in
- another program as well, I implemented it in this version of
- Case!) One thing that impressed me was that it won't be
- confused if one file will be given the same name as another
- file (but which won't have this name after the operations
- has been performed). Does not recurse into subdirs.
- Postcard/emailware.
- NAME MRename 1.3
- AUTHOR Martin Steigerwald
- RELEASED 960714-960921
- LOCATION util/cli/mrename.lha
- SHORT Renames files in a flexible way (1.3)
- COMMENTS This is a nice program that is quite like Case. It can
- recurse into subdirs, uppercase, lowercase, uppercase first
- letter in every word and change extentions to a specified
- name. It also lets you specify if you want only dirs or
- only files to be renamed, and there's also a testmode. But
- don't try this program on the ram-disk... luckily I could
- CTRL-C it out of its endless loop... (See notes about the
- ram-disk.) Freeware.
- NAME RenameIt 1.0
- AUTHOR Dante/Oxyron Software
- RELEASED 960731
- LOCATION util/sys/RenameIt.lha
- SIZE 27 KB
- SHORT Multiple file rename Tool
- COMMENTS This is a quite primitive program for manipulating
- filenames. It seems to target extentions only, at least
- that's what I could gather after skimming through the 3kb
- doc... It has a GUI though. I don't think that's
- appropriate for a program like this, but I guess some people
- would prefer it.
- NAME KRenamer 1.1
- AUTHOR Kordi/Blabla
- RELEASED 970420
- LOCATION util/cli/2b_KRenamer11.lha
- SHORT Changes name of all files in directory..
- COMMENTS Quite nice gui-less program it seems, which lets one rename
- all (or parts of) the files in a directory into the same
- name, only separated by numbers. That's currently all it
- does though, even if the doc promises more in future
- releases. Does not recurse into subdirs. Freeware.
- NAME MRenfix.rexx 1.0a
- AUTHOR Anders Nordby
- LOCATION util/sys/mrenfix.lzh
- SHORT Changes pre-/suffixes in filenames
- COMMENTS A rexx script to remove/add/change suffixes and/or prefixes.
- Does pattermatching and recurses into subdirs. Requesters
- pop up if you forget some parameters. And you'll be
- prompted for the extentions to add/remove. But when the
- process finally starts, there's no indication as to what's
- going on...
- To sum up... Even Case 1.0 could do more than any of these programs
- (possibly with the exception of LookName). But there seems to be a high
- demand for renumbering programs. I have never found use for this myself, but
- I'll probably include this in the next release.
- **********************************************************************
- ** -+- THE END -+- **
- ** (Notes about the ram-disk, contact me, history etc...) **
- **********************************************************************
- Some 1.5 year ago, Axehandle reported a bug. Using this and that
- option on these and those files would bring Case into an endless
- loop of renamings. I thought he had a lot of nerve blaming me
- for this, when it obviously was his filematching routine that
- was flawed! I tried to reproduce the bug, but it worked on my
- machine. He persisted -- "your program is buggy!" -- and we
- almost got into an argument...
- I looked deeper into this, and found that I COULD reproduce the
- bug, but only when I used Case on the ram-disk. Some debugging
- revealed that his filematching routines would pass me the same
- file over and over again... Aha! With a malicious, triumphant
- smile, I called Axehandle... "Like I suspected, it IS your bug!!"
- But he wouldn't have it that way. "If it isn't your fault, then
- it must be a bug in the OS." he concluded calmly. "Yeah right!!"
- But... he was right. I don't remember exactly under what
- circumstances it happens, but I think that when a file change
- name, the OS will notice "oh, there's a file I didn't see
- before! better pass it.." and so I get it again. Rename it
- again, and the OS... "Oh a sandwich! I like sandwiches..."
- I noticed the same thing a few days ago, when I was, hmm,
- watching some pictures on the ram-disk, with viewtek #?.
- When I deleted a picture that I had just viewed, it would
- start over from the beginning, showing all the pictures that
- I had already seen.
- Anyway, no need to worry about this in Case! With a lot of pain
- I added the default option to read in all matching files in a
- buffer, and then rename them. More about this in the text about
- the -b and -B options.
- BUGS???
- Very likely in this release!
- v1.0 (950809)
- ** The first release.
- v2.0 (960320)
- ** Real filematching implemented, thanks to Axehandle. It
- uses some 2.04 functions, so Case now only works with OS 2.04++
- ** Lots of changes, too many to write down. No one used
- the first version anyway...
- v2.1 (971221)
- ** Well... I *still* haven't got any indication that I have one
- single user, after more than two years since the first release!
- Yet I code on...
- ** Renamed almost all options, in a vain attempt to be more
- consequent, and make the names easier to remember:
- -i[s|p] was renamed to -I[e|s|p] (Don't ignore extentions when caseing)
- -I[S|P] was renamed to -i[e|s|p] (Ignore extentions when caseing)
- -EU was renamed to -u(e|s|p) (Make Extention/Suffix/Prefix uppercase)
- -EL was renamed to -l(e|s|p) (Make Extention/Suffix/Prefix lowercase)
- -S<$> was renamed to -as<$> (Add specified suffix)
- -P<$> was renamed to -ap<$> (Add specified prefix)
- -s[<$>] was renamed to -rs[<$>] (Remove [specified] suffix)
- -p[<$>] was renamed to -rp[<$>] (Remove [specified] prefix)
- -r<c>.. was renamed to -d<c>.. (Delete specified char[s])
- -R<$>,.. was renamed to -D<$>,.. (Delete specified string[s])
- -e[s|p] was renamed to -s[e|s|p] (Swap extentions [or only Suffixes/Prefixes])
- -c[p|s]<#> was renamed to -L[e|s|p]<#> (Set Extention/Suffix/Prefix maxlength)
- -o was renamed to -E (Don't use default Extentions)
- -O was renamed to -e (Accept default Extentions only)
- -o<$>,.. was renamed to -E<$>,.. (Only accept specified Extentions)
- -O<$>,.. was renamed to -e<$>,.. (Only accept default Extentions & specified)
- ** Prefix options that default to operating on extentions, but
- that can be made to operate on only prefixes/suffixes, now accept
- e (for both) as well as the usual p (prefixes only) and s
- (suffixes only)
- ** All specified extentions are now added to the list of
- recognized extentions. So if you want to remove the suffix .bla,
- you only need to write -rsbla, and don't worry about whether bla
- is a recognized suffix or not.
- ** Any given extention will adjust the extention maxlenght, if
- (and only if) it is exceeded.
- ** If a filepattern contains spaces, it now must have single or
- double quotes surrounding it.
- ** The delete chars functions are no longer case-sensitive. If you
- want to remove all ö:s, -dö will remove ö:s as well as Ö:s.
- ** It is now possible to specify characters to delete on several
- places, without having the previous chars forgotten.
- ** If an extention operation is selected, but no extention was
- modified, or even found, Case will now display a little reminder
- that maybe this was because you wanted to process files with
- alien extentions, and maybe you should try the -e option etc. This
- is so you won't think Case is flawed, like even I myself has
- thought several times! So easy to forget...
- ** Made an indirect mode to read all the filenames into a
- buffer, and then rename from that. Added the options -b and -B
- to select between direct and indirect mode.
- ** Added -ae, add specified extention.
- ** Added -r(h|t)<$>, remove head or tail string
- ** Added -C"<$>",<$> -- change string one to string two.
- ** Added -C<%>[<$>,]<$>, change extentions [from this] to that.
- ** Added -S, simulate caseing.
- ** Added a new caseing operation, -c, change all cases.
- ** Added -m, mutilate ASCII 128-255 into 45-127
- ** The -v (vomit) option now turns on -m, and it will no longer
- remove the prefixes by default. You'll have to write -vp if you
- want those removed as well.
- ** The caseing operations (-l, -u, -c, -w, -f) will now operate
- on extentions only, if they are followed by p, s or e.
- ** A few minor bugs corrected
- ** More extentions are recognized...
- qt, gz, pi
- c++, cpp, arj, obj, env, mov, avi, jpg, tex, p61
- tar, htm, man, mpg, mp3, bz2, tgz, lzh
- jpeg, gzip, html
- amiga, prefs
- symmod
- v2.2 (980127)
- ** Two happy Case users revealed themselves. Thanks Trevor & mr Bouwhuis!
- ** Above mentioned new extentions were actually only added to the doc.
- I forgot to add them in the source. Apart from all those new
- extentions, there's three more: xm, s3m and rexx.
- ** Corrected flaw in the argument parsing. Case wouldn't report a
- syntax error when several source-names were entered. (This is not
- yet allowed)
- ** When in recursive mode, if a directory-name got renamed by Case,
- (so the characters actually changed, not only the cases) any
- files in that directory would not be found. Solved this by
- letting the pattern matching routine pass Case the directory names
- when they were leaved, instead of when they were entered.
- ** Whenever a file in the search path could not be locked for some
- reason, case would abort the whole operation with "can't find file
- or path!" If in the default buffered mode, no files would ever be
- renamed. Now, whenever the filematching routine cannot lock a file,
- Case will look at the name to determine if the user wanted that
- file to be renamed. (If, for instance, the user wanted to uppercase
- all filenames, and this file already was uppercased, there would be
- nothing to worry about.) If he didn't the file will simply be skipped.
- If he did, the fail counter will be incremented and the message "can't
- lock xxx because object is in use" will be displayed.
- ** The -C" option (change string 1 to string 2) was flawed.
- case21 -C"bl",bl bla would result in renaming bla to bla. Also:
- case21 -C"bl",bla bla would not rename bla to blaa, since Case thought
- this had already been done.
- v2.3 (980301)
- ** Two more Case users choose to step forward. Thanks Dobbin & Niels!
- ** Fixed flaw: Case -l HIRESDOOM(PPC).PNG resulted in "Can't find file
- or path!". This was because any filespecification that contained
- wildcards (like the paranthesis in this example) was assumed to be
- a searchpattern. Case will now begin by trying to lock the exact
- given pattern, and if it exists it won't enter the match mode but
- only pass this file (or directory). Thanks to Niels de Koning for
- reporting this!
- ** Added the extention 'png'
- ** Found bug in AxeMatch! Case -u dirname ALL would make AxeMatch think
- that dirname was a filename! And it would lock the directory dirname
- resided in and start to recursively look for files matching dirname.
- If dirname was in the root of a partition, all files on that partition
- would be examined! Ah well. This is the last thing Axehandle added to
- his source: "As far as I can tell, everything works, but that's about
- as much I can promise. I've coded the additions during an euphoric
- codermongo intoxication, which is known to inflict bugs."
- ** Case -u dirname ALL will now uppercase everything in dirname as well
- as dirname itself. Thanks to Niels de Koning for suggesting this!
- ** Specified filenames not containing wildcards had to be specified
- EXACTLY right. So to uppercase 'fIlE' you had to write Case -u fIlE.
- Fixed this.
- ** Rewrote from scratch the routine that parses the argumentline (except
- the part that interpretates the options). Please report any unexpected
- behaviour!
- ** It's now possible to give several filename/pattern specifications,
- for instance Case -l file1 file2 file3 dir1/#?.txt would uppercase
- the three files file1-3 as well as all files ending with .txt in dir1.
- ** The env:caseopts file can now contain newlines. They will be converted
- to spaces. (And as usual, no spaces are allowed between the comma
- separators.)
- ** Added the option -- which will abort the option parsing. If you
- specify a filepattern that begin with - you need to use this
- to prevent Case from confusing the filepattern with an option.
- ** Added the keyword SHOWINFO. It will list all recognized extentions,
- internal as well as environmental.
- ** Decreased the program size with about 1400 bytes by moving some
- partly uninitialized data into the BSS section and by letting
- AxeMatch access most of its data relative to a5.
- v2.4 (980303)
- ** Case v2.3 featured a serious bug which would cause deadlocks (in
- most cases) when specifying one or more filenames without
- wildcards. It worked perfectly during the 24 hours I was bugtesting
- it though, so I feel the whole thing is a bit unfair. Thanks to
- Niels de Koning & Finn Nielsen for reporting this, and my
- apologies to the ones whose Amigas I crashed!
- Many rats has left the ship... happily eating Bill Gates' cheese,
- the cheese they once loved to curse. Well, like I use to think on the
- last night of the Roskilde festival, as a large amounts of people
- head home (even though there's one festival night left!):
- -- Only the cool people stay...
- I will stay, and continue releasing updates on this program. I have
- a few ideas in mind... The most important one is to implement an undo
- function. If Case should chance to really fuck up my files, I'd like
- to write Case UNDO, to restore the names. Also all known extentions
- should perhaps be flagged as prefix only, suffix only or any of the two.
- If you are interested in the disclaimer, then contact me.
- If you want an update made, have bug-reports, suggestions, anything..
- EMail: c9713363@alinga.newcastle.edu.au
- This address is at least valid to the end of april 1998.
- After that, use: blodskam@hotmail.com
- I have, btw, used the handle Parsec since the summer of 1991. I know
- many people think handles are silly (albeit /nicks are "kewl"), but...
- It's a silly life! Take it seriousley, and *you* are the fool!
- * My "menthor" Thomas Richter, for helping me whenever I despair...
- * Aaron Scott, for a lot of things...
- * Phil @ AmigaGenius for giving birth to my hd-farm.